Oct. 28 Landon said "dada" and now says it all the time
Nov. 10 Landon started officially crawling
Nov. 14 Landon starting pulling himself up on things to stand
That same day Michael went mountain bike riding with a friend from church, and this time he came back early, and injured. He was almost done with the ride, when he saw a big gap in the trail where the path had washed away. He decided to try to jump it, but his front tire hit the far side of the gap, and he fell down the side of the mountain. He didn't roll, he just fell and smacked into the ground. I was freaking out when he was telling me this! He said they wanted to call an ambulance because he was having trouble breathing...I was like oh my gosh!! Thank goodness he wasn't hurt too badly. We went to the doctor later that day and found out he sprained his left wrist, tore ligaments/tendons in his right shoulder and got a pretty bad bruise/cut on his ride elbow. He was sore for a while! I am so glad that he didn't have any serious injuries. It will be a while until he goes riding again...
Nov. 26 Thanksgiving
We went to my grandma's house in the afternoon and had a great Thanksgiving lunch. It was fun to visit with some of my family that have moved away. We also celebrated my mom's birthday while we were there. Later that day we went to the Trimmell's house and had some more turkey. This was Landon's first Thanksgiving, but he was too small to have turkey, so I bought him a jar of baby food turkey and sweet potatoes, which he actually liked. Overall, we had a great day spending time with family. We are so grateful for all of our blessings! The day before I was talking to Makayla about how we celebrate things we are thankful for and she said "I'm thankful for the opportunity to be with my family" Precious!
Nov. 28 Landon cruising along the furniture
Dec. 1 Landon clapped his hands for the first time
Dec. 4 Ward Christmas party - I sang a solo "Mary's Lullaby"
Dec. 6 Landon had the sacrament for the first time and loved it
Dec. 15 Landon got really sick for about a week (diarrhea & throwing up)
Dec. 16 Makayla said "You're the best Mommy/Daddy I ever saw" and, while playing with
my hair said "Wow Mommy, your hair is so long, where did you buy it?" haha
Dec. 19 That morning Makayla, Nana Trimmell and I went to the Staples center to see Disney on Ice. Makayla was so excited! She got dressed up in her princess clothes and everything. It was a really cool performance, and she loved it! Later that night we went to Michael's work Christmas party. We had a lot of fun and ate great food!!
Dec. 23 Annual Ibey family Christmas Party. This year the party was at my cousin Michael and his wife Amanda's house in San Clemente. Their house is gorgeous! Ate pasta, played fun game with $5 gifts, girls had an ornament exchange, had a dessert contest, and enjoyed spending time with family we don't see very often. I made my ornament, and I think it turned out really cute! I made a new dessert, caramel stuffed apple cider cookies, which are really good! Overall, we had a great time! Santa also visited and Makayla actually sat on his lap and told him she wanted a Kitchen.
Dec. 24 Spent Christmas Eve with the Trimmells and Santa came to visit. Makayla didn't sit on his lap but gladly accepted a gift - Bell doll where you can change her clothes. Landon wanted nothing to do with Santa. He cried just looking at him...poor thing. He did have fun playing with his gift - 24 fun colorful links to take apart/put together.
Dec. 25 Christmas!! It was so much fun this year because Makayla was really into the decorations and lights on the houses. She helped decorate the tree and baked cookies with mommy. This year Santa brought Makayla a play kitchen, and she loved it!! She plays with it all the time, and is always cooking for us. Too cute! This was Landon's first Christmas, and even though he didn't really understand, he loved getting a bunch of gifts. Santa brought him a jumping seat that hangs in the doorway. He's only tried it a few times, but I think he's going to like it once he gets the hang of it. That morning we went to my parent's house to eat breakfast, exchange gifts and talk to my younger brother Justin who is on his mission in Mexico. It was so great talking to him, and I can't wait until he comes home in August! Then we spend the afternoon with the Trimmells eating yummy food and exchanging gifts. Then we stopped by my grandma's for a quick visit and dessert. Then we went back to my parents where we had dinner and played games. It was a blast! It was a busy day, but so much fun! The kids got a bunch of toys and clothes! I love spending time with family, and seeing my kids get excited is the best. Overall, we had a great Christmas. We love this time of year where we remember the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. We hope everyone had a great Christmas!
Dec. 26 Makayla and I, along with Nana Trimmell and AJ saw Princess and the Frog. This was one of the first times she has been to the theater. She had a great time!
I will try to blog more often so they are shorter lol Here are some pictures...