I wanted to post some funny/cute things that Makayla has said lately...
"Bika booka" - I asked her what that meant and she said "haha it means Spanish"
"Landon is so precious"
"Hold me again Mommy, that was nice"
"Whatever" and "Let's not"
"Hold on" and "I got it"
"I love you soooo much"
"I'm just looking at the garden mom, relax"
"What talking about guys?"
"I did it, all by myself!"
"Look at me" and "Watch me"
"You're such a good girl mommy"
"Please, I sit on the couch and watch the Dodgers?" Daddy loved that one!
When Landon first came home and cried, Makayla said "Oh, he doesn't like me" and I said yes he does, he's just hungry. He loves you. "Oh, He loves me, I love him"
The other day we were shopping for clothes, and she said she was looking for pants. Then she came over and said "Nope, it's not on sale" lol What a great shopper!
Makayla loves to sing, and knows the words to "Halo" and "If I were a Boy" -Beyonce
These are just a few of the cute things she has said. She talks sooo much now, and speaks in full sentences. It is so much fun having conversations with her! She also knows all the letters of the alphabet, her colors, shapes, and can count to 15! So smart!
Here are some recent pictures...
She was "flying" her kite
I just had to get the cute matching sibling shirts
I like, "Nope, it's not on sale." That one's great. It's so fun to watch them interact together. It gets more fun as they get older. Love the sibling shirts too.
Such cute pictures. Your family is just adorable.
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