I did want to post about Dallin's arrival. On Thursday July 14 I woke up early not feeling good, and I couldn't go back to sleep, which was unusual. I started having lower back pain and contractions here and there, but nothing too regular. Michael's mom came and got the kids for us so that we could go to the hospital to see if I was dilated at all. (My doctor was out of town so I didn't know) We grabbed some lunch, then got to the hospital around 12:45pm. They hooked me up to the monitors, and I was having contractions, but when they checked me I wasn't dilated at all. They wanted me to walk around and see if anything changed, so we walked up and down the hall for about 45 min. and when they checked me at 3pm I was dilated 2-3cm. Since I was dilating they decided to keep me. They checked me again around 6pm but there wasn't any change, which was disappointing. We did some more walking, and when the checked again around 8:30pm I was dilated 4-5cm and the doctor decided to break my water to get things moving, which really helped! At 9:45pm I was dilated 8-9cm and once I was fully dilated it only took half a push and Dallin Joseph Trimmell was born at 10:00pm weighing 5lbs 2oz and was 18 inches long. He is so tiny, but not a bad size for being 3 weeks early! I knew I wouldn't make it to August, but he did come earlier than I expected. He's perfect! He has a lot more hair than I thought (Landon was pretty much bald until he was 1) I'm not sure who he looks like...he does have the same chin as Landon, but he's changing each day so it's hard to tell.
My parents brought Makayla and Landon to the hospital the next day to meet their new baby brother. They both love him so much, and always want to hold and kiss him. We feel so blessed to have 3 beautiful, healthy children. So far he has been a great baby! He eats every 2-3 hours for 10-15 minutes and then goes back to sleep. Even at night we are only getting up once or twice which is awesome. I'm so glad that breastfeeding is working out great. I can't believe that he is almost 2 weeks old already. Our friend Chris did a newborn photo shoot, so I wanted to post some of those pictures. (I'll post the hospital pictures after I upload them)

I love that pic of him with the tie on!! that is so cute!! congrats again on your new little one!
He is so cute and tiny! I can't wait to see him again when I get back in town. I hope you are all doing good. :)
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