Wednesday, December 17, 2008
This is a little out of order, but I forgot to post about Thanksgiving. We had a great day. We spent the morning with Michael's family and the rest of the day/evening with my family eating a turkey dinner at both houses. We were very full! We also celebrated my mom's birthday that night. Overall, we had a great day. We are so blessed, and are so grateful for the many blessings we have been given. Oh yeah, the day before I felt Landon move for the first time!! So exciting!

5 months
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I've been tagged...
Okay, so Palmyra tagged me, and now I have to list 6 random things about myself. Here goes:
1. I hate spiders!! I can't even kill them with a shoe because I don't like to get that close to them. I can kill little ones, but I have to call Michael in for the rest. Once I see one in the house, Michael has to kill it right away, otherwise it might move and I wont know where it is and it will drive me crazy!!
2. I love chocolate!! I know most women do, but I really love it! I pretty much have to have something with chocolate in it everyday! If I go to the mall, I have to stop by See's Chocolate to get a free Did you know you can choose which one you want to sample?? I bad I know!
3. I love the Twilight series! I don't usually read much, but I read all four books in 2 weeks. I got really hooked. I loved the first movie, and can't wait for the others to come out. If you haven't read them yet, you should!!
4. I am a creature of habit. Whenever we go to a restaurant or fast food place I always get the same things. I don't mind trying new things, but I'd rather eat the things I know I like. I also have a routine that I have to do every night before I go to bed. I have to wash my face, brush my teeth, floss, rinse with mouthwash, brush with fluoride and put in my retainers. I have done this for a long time now! I refuse to go to sleep until this is done. I'm obsessed about my teeth I guess.
5. I love to sing and dance!! I love it so much that I will do it at home, in the shower, in the car, where ever! I will sing at the top of my lungs when I'm There is just something about music that I connect with. I love it!
6. I love being pregnant! I love watching my body change and feeling the baby move. It is amazing! I have been truly blessed to not be sick with either pregnancy, and I'm sure that has a lot to do with why I love it so much. Most people don't want to see their bodies change but I think it is so beautiful!
Well, those are just a few of the random things about Now I have to tag 6 people, so I tag: Amber Jackman, Carolyn Soto, Christie Fisher, Britney Steele, Vanessa Kiethly, and Stacy Thomas. Hopefully you guys have time to do this.
Here are the rules:
1. Link the post to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules
3. List 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged
6. Let the person who tagged you know when you have posted
1. I hate spiders!! I can't even kill them with a shoe because I don't like to get that close to them. I can kill little ones, but I have to call Michael in for the rest. Once I see one in the house, Michael has to kill it right away, otherwise it might move and I wont know where it is and it will drive me crazy!!
2. I love chocolate!! I know most women do, but I really love it! I pretty much have to have something with chocolate in it everyday! If I go to the mall, I have to stop by See's Chocolate to get a free Did you know you can choose which one you want to sample?? I bad I know!
3. I love the Twilight series! I don't usually read much, but I read all four books in 2 weeks. I got really hooked. I loved the first movie, and can't wait for the others to come out. If you haven't read them yet, you should!!
4. I am a creature of habit. Whenever we go to a restaurant or fast food place I always get the same things. I don't mind trying new things, but I'd rather eat the things I know I like. I also have a routine that I have to do every night before I go to bed. I have to wash my face, brush my teeth, floss, rinse with mouthwash, brush with fluoride and put in my retainers. I have done this for a long time now! I refuse to go to sleep until this is done. I'm obsessed about my teeth I guess.
5. I love to sing and dance!! I love it so much that I will do it at home, in the shower, in the car, where ever! I will sing at the top of my lungs when I'm There is just something about music that I connect with. I love it!
6. I love being pregnant! I love watching my body change and feeling the baby move. It is amazing! I have been truly blessed to not be sick with either pregnancy, and I'm sure that has a lot to do with why I love it so much. Most people don't want to see their bodies change but I think it is so beautiful!
Well, those are just a few of the random things about Now I have to tag 6 people, so I tag: Amber Jackman, Carolyn Soto, Christie Fisher, Britney Steele, Vanessa Kiethly, and Stacy Thomas. Hopefully you guys have time to do this.
Here are the rules:
1. Link the post to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules
3. List 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged
6. Let the person who tagged you know when you have posted
Thursday, November 20, 2008
4 months
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
It's a BOY!!
We're having a boy, and we couldn't be more excited!! My ultrasound isn't scheduled until Dec. 1, but I couldn't wait. We have heard from a few friends about this place in Costa Mesa that will tell you the sex of the baby as early as 13 weeks for $25. Since we had today off, and didn't really have anything to do, we decided that if they had any openings we would go. So I called, and they had an opening at 5pm. Well, we got there a little early and they took us in which was great. After a few mintues of waiting, we could see clearly that it was a boy!! I told everyone that I thought it was a boy, and I was right!! Michael was smiling from ear to ear! He is so excited, and Makayla is excited to have a baby brother. We are going to name him Landon Michael Trimmell. We are all very excited! Michael is really glad that we went today! I'll try to post the ultrasound pictures asap! That's it for now.
Friday, November 07, 2008
This year for Halloween Makayla was Tinkerbell. She loved wearing her costume, and didn't want me to take it off. On Thursday night we went to the Pickering Ward Halloween party to see Nana and Papa Ibey, Rere and Jared. At the party Makayla played games and went trunk or treating. She got a lot of candy! Then on Halloween, we went to the Colima Ward / Santa Gertrudes Ward Halloween party where Makayla went trunk or treating again. Nana and Papa Trimmell came to the party as well to see their little Tinkerbell. Cousins James, Brittany and AJ came also. Since Makayla was going to be Tinkerbell, I thought it would fun for our family to dress up together... Michael dressed up as Peter Pan, (no tights) and I was Wendy. I thought our costumes turned out very cute considering the fact that I made them for like $10 each. After the party we went trick or treating at a few houses on our street and then we headed home to pass out the rest of our candy. Overall, we had a great Halloween!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
We're pregnant!!!
Some of you already know, but we are pregnant!! We are all very excited!
I am due May 6, 2009 and am 12 weeks today. I already had 2 ultrasounds, and so far everything looks great! I have also felt great the whole time, just tired, so I am very grateful for that!! Makayla is also excited. She will point to my tummy when we ask her where the baby is. Whenever we ask her if it's a boy or girl, she says "baby." It doesn't matter to us if it is a girl or boy, we will be happy either way. Just as long as we have a healthy baby. I think it's a boy, but I could be wrong. We should be able to find out sometime in December, so I'll let you know. Well, I know I have a lot of catching up to do on our blog. As soon as I upload pictures I will fill you all in on our summer vacation. I will also post baby/belly pictures asap. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. For Halloween, Makayla is going to be Tinkerbell. She is very excited, and loves her costume. She cried when I took it I am going to be Wendy and Michael is going to be Peter Pan (minus the tights) I am pretty much making his costume, simple and easy, so hopefully it turns out okay. Well, I better get going before Makayla wakes up from her nap.

I am due May 6, 2009 and am 12 weeks today. I already had 2 ultrasounds, and so far everything looks great! I have also felt great the whole time, just tired, so I am very grateful for that!! Makayla is also excited. She will point to my tummy when we ask her where the baby is. Whenever we ask her if it's a boy or girl, she says "baby." It doesn't matter to us if it is a girl or boy, we will be happy either way. Just as long as we have a healthy baby. I think it's a boy, but I could be wrong. We should be able to find out sometime in December, so I'll let you know. Well, I know I have a lot of catching up to do on our blog. As soon as I upload pictures I will fill you all in on our summer vacation. I will also post baby/belly pictures asap. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. For Halloween, Makayla is going to be Tinkerbell. She is very excited, and loves her costume. She cried when I took it I am going to be Wendy and Michael is going to be Peter Pan (minus the tights) I am pretty much making his costume, simple and easy, so hopefully it turns out okay. Well, I better get going before Makayla wakes up from her nap.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
New update
Lets see...when I last wrote we were getting ready to go on vacation. Well, we went, and we had a blast! Monday we went to Downtown Disney, Tuesday we went to Disneyland (Yes, the day of the earthquake, go figure) Wednesday we went shopping at the Citadel, Thursday we went to the beach, Friday we slept in, went to lunch and just relaxed, and Saturday we went to Sea World. We were very tired at the end of the week, but we had so much fun. Makayla loved Disneyland, the beach and Sea World. I have a lot of scrapbooking to do now. August 11th was my 23rd birthday, but I had to celebrate it without Michael. He got asked to go to girls camp, so he was gone Monday - Wednesday. I just spent the day with Makayla, and went out to dinner with my best friend the next day. Then when Michael got back we went to dinner. Then on August 14th, Michael and I celebrated out 4 year anniversary. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. To celebrate we went out to dinner at Wood Ranch (they have the best bbq tri tip ever!!) Then we decided to get funny I know. I needed one, and he had never had one so we went together and had a nice, relaxing spa pedicure. Overall, we had a nice night together, just the two of us. Moving on, after teaching summer school Michael had 3 weeks off, but he is already back preparing his classroom, because school starts next week. This summer went by so fast! Makayla is now almost 19 months old and she actually started potty training. She's the one who told me one day "mama-poo poo" so then I rushed her to the bathroom, put her on the toilet and she went. Now she tells me every time she has to go. We are so proud of her! She also started going to nursery at the beginning of August. She does pretty good, but because it's around nap time (church is from 11-2pm) she tends to get tired and wants her mommy. She is growing so fast and learns new words everyday. Her newest ones are: ring, pillow, I want mama... It is so fun to watch her learn and grow. Oh yeah, I almost forgot...Michael received a new calling this month. He is now the 2nd counselor in the Colima Ward Bishopric. Crazy huh? I guess you're never too young. We were both very surprised, but excited. He's doing a great job so far, and he really enjoys it. Also, Michael finally got his cast off at the beginning of the month, and didn't end up needing surgery after all. What a blessing! As for me, things are pretty much the same. I have been enjoying my summer and actually got hooked on reading. Everyone has been talking about the Twilight series and I was curious to see what it was about. I usually don't get hooked, but this series is really good! I read the first two books in less than a week. That is definitely not something I usually do. My mom and sister are also reading the series, so we have fun talking about it together. Well, I think that's about it. Hope everyone has enjoyed their summer.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Finally some new updates
Hey everyone! Michael is usually the one who posts our blogs, which is why they have been so few and far between. lol I've had a few people tell me that we need to update it so here goes. Makayla is now 17 months old and has quite a personality. She is really good most of the time, but now when she doesn't get her way she lets you know how she feels...She is becoming her own person, and we love it. She is also talking a lot these days! She really understands what we say and responds. For example, if she falls and bumps her arm, if we ask her what happened she will show us and try to explain it to us. It's really cute. She loves animals and reading, which is good. We recently discovered Elmo and Sesame Street so we really like that. She loves to help me with chores around the house which is great. Overall she is just so much fun to be around. It just keeps getting better! As for Michael, he is teaching summer school and will actually be teaching 7th grade in Sept. He loves Biology so when there was an opening at his school he took it. He also finished school last month. Woo hoo!! He now has his credential and Master's Degree! We are so proud and glad that he is done with school for now. As for me, I'm just keeping busy. I have been watching a little boy for almost a year now so both he and Makayla keep me occupied, but I love it! I finally got back into scrapbooking so I'm trying to catch up. Overall we are all doing great. We are looking forward to our family vacation at the end of this month. We were going to go to Lake Arrowhead but Michael broke his wrist so we decided not to go. Instead we are going to take Makayla to Disneyland, go to the beach, and do other stuff like that. No matter what we do it will be a blast. Well, that's it for now.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Its been way too long!
Ok, so its been about a year since I last posted. I know, I know, I have been really bad. We have been very busy this past year. Shawna has been able to stay home with Makayla full time (HUGE BLESSING) and I am working as an eighth grade science teacher. I love my job! Tons of time with the family. I have also been working towards my Masters Degree in Cross Cultural Education, which will be finish this July!!! Well, I will post some up-to-date pictures of Makayla so you can all see how beautiful she is. She just turned one and is a little ball of energy! We love her to death!
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